Do you want to know what brave looks like? Four years ago today I made it cross the finish line of my first FULL marathon! That’s 26.2 miles for those who didn’t know. If you would have told younger me that I would fall in love with the challenge of distance running, I would have laughed…hysterically! Then finding out about the Jeff Galloway method most certainly helped. It’s amazing how our desires change the older we get. It’s like your bravery peeks in different ways the older you get.
When I was younger I would ride every single DARING ride at Six Flags. Now you probably can’t even get me on a Ferris wheel. As I got older, bravery to me was challenging myself to complete four marathons in a year to become a Marathon Maniac. To most, that’s just crazy — but to me it was a God-given desire to do something that the world said I couldn’t. Here I was a plus-size girl — or “Great Size” (as Serena Williams calls it) that wanted to complete a marathon…and I did by the grace of God! He is faithful to give us the desires of our heart. If we renew our minds, step out on faith, even if it looks scary, trust and believe God will bring it to pass.
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I don’t know what brave looks like to you, but whatever it is, I say DO IT! And in case you missed it, I’m doing the #100DaysToBrave Challenge. You can purchase the book here, and here’s a little bit about it:
Whether you’re making a major decision, dealing with a difficult transition, or facing a fear, 100 Days to Brave will give you courage and confidence to move forward…Dare to spend the next 100 days discovering that you are braver than you know and stronger than you thought possible.
What does your BRAVE look like?
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Love this. CONGRATS that is so awesome. I ran a 13.1 only once a full marathon is a BIG DEAL! My Brave looks like doing what I know I need to do without fear of what others will think.