Wow! I still can’t believe it’s been two years since I started my blog. I remember like it was yesterday when I posted my first blog post. I absolutely LOVE blogging and My Pretty Brown Fit (Formerly known as My Pretty Brown Blog) has been one of the most rewarding things I’ve done. So many things have changed over the past year. I turned one year older and my passions and desires have also changed. What a difference a year makes! That happens as you get older you know! *Whispers* especially after the tender age of 30. Yes, I’m STILL a young tenda!
Most of you, who have been following me since the beginning, know that my blog initially started as a “natural hair blog” titled, Pretty Brown Naturals. Boy did that shift! I couldn’t write about one thing without another. Then this creative mind situation I got going, I knew limiting myself was just absurd! As you get older, you realize that you have to take care of yourself a little differently — that became a priority — then becoming more active and changing my lifestyle happened. I absolutely love thrifting, reading, natural hair, but my favorite things which go hand and hand are: cooking, trying new recipes (yes, this girl likes to eat), and health/fitness/running. Well that’s kinda like three, but they go together like Micki + Maude, Olivia + Joy…you get the point!
Over the past few years I’ve also grown to love and enjoy running! I know to some non-runners it may sound crazy — but it’s true. It was kicked into overdrive when I attended and participated in a 10K Race (Drive to End Hunger) in Atlanta, Ga. That’s when I knew this was something I wanted to make a permanent part of my fitness regimen and life.
With all that…
I have this great outlet to share my experiences. I’ve met so many bloggers, friends, and just amazing people on this journey. Thank you so much to every person who has subscribed to my blog, shared a post, left a comment, shared with me that you tried a recipe (and LOVED it!) or just took the time out to read it. It means more than you know. It makes my heart happy when someone says,”You’ve inspired me!”, “Girl, my husband loved those chicken and dumplings!”, “My wife liked your post on those twisty braid things.” (yes, this really happened lol), or “Hang in there. You can do this!” I feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside. For every Bloggers Block and every out-pour of ideas that I can hardly contain, I know it is all worth it. Now that is MY inspiration.
Here are a few of my favorite or inspiring Moments/Posts over the past year:
I had such an incredible year full of traveling, meeting new and inspiring people, and giving back to worthy causes. I met my favorite author, Kimberla Lawson Roby, at her book release tour. Traveled to Hawaii for a little work and pleasure. Met a “celebrity” in the running world, Jim Ottinger. Got an opportunity to attend Inauguration for the second time! Attended Essence Festival for the first time ever and it was a blast! I participated in “Run For Boston“, an event that touched us all.
One of my proudest moments was completing the Mercedes-Benz Half Marathon! Three years ago you couldn’t pay me to believe it either. This was my first half-marathon and it will always have a special place in my heart. I met some amazing people and realized how much the running community totally rocks! It’s one big family and I’m grateful to be a part of it. This event was a blast and I look forward to many more to come. Thank you to everyone who encouraged, inspired, motivated, supported me and/or even said, “Good luck on your race!” (or any race). It means so much.
“In running, it doesn’t matter whether you come in first, in the middle of the pack, or last. You can say, ‘I have finished.’ There is a lot of satisfaction in that.” -Fred Lebow, New York City Marathon co-founder
Everyone knows my LOVE for vintage, thrifting, and hair! From turbans to twists…$1.00 vintage blazer to fanny packs—I love it all!
Yes, I enjoy cooking and I like to eat! I have some incredible recipe posts from this past year. What’s even more awesome is finding healthier alternatives to the foods you love! Juicing, soup, smoothies, comfie food, baked (don’t it taste fried?), and all kinds of other yumtastic goodness!
I look forward to continuing this joyous, fun-filled journey by creating and sharing new experiences. A big THANK YOU again to all of my readers!!! I’ll have something exciting to share in the upcoming weeks. Be on the lookout, because someone may get lucky!
I saw a picture of your Senegalese twist on Google. I liked that style you had with the bun at the top & some hair down. Could you do a tutorial on that style?
Hi! Unfortunately there is not a tutorial done by me; however, I always get inspiration from other users on YT. Just type in the style you are looking for and you will definitely find one. I think all I did is split in 2 or 3 sections and twisted it until I got the look I wanted. Thank you!