100 Days to Brave will give you courage and confidence to move forward…Dare to spend the next 100 days discovering that you are braver than you know and stronger than you thought possible.
And The Journey Continues…
Let me *cue* Tony! Toni! Tone! “Doooo youuu know what todayyy isss? It’s our Anniversary!” Okay–well actually our anniversary was yesterday, 12/12, but since we were so busy celebrating–here I am! I must say, my Husband is the best! He…
What A Difference A Year Makes: Guess Who Turned 2? #blogaversary
Wow! I still can’t believe it’s been two years since I started my blog. I remember like it was yesterday when I posted my first blog post. I absolutely LOVE blogging and My Pretty Brown Fit (Formerly known as My…
It’s My Pretty Brown Blog’s One Year Blogiversary!!!
*Cues Tony! Toni! TonΓ©! Anniversary* Who would have thought that a year ago today that I would have written over 100 posts!? I initially started my blog as “Pretty Brown Naturals” to share my natural hair journey (I’ve been natural over…