Friday night, I decided to go out and get something good to eat–so I got dolled up (well, sort of), curled my hair…only for the rain to deflate my hair hopes and dreams. My big hair was still in full effect, but my curls did not want to be bothered! Since it was raining, I decided to rock my Toms and keep it simple with my Target stone-washed, denim shirt and a RiRi Boy lippie from the RiRi Hearts M.A.C. Collection. See it here.

I reached one of my personal goals of the week so I wanted to treat myself to a good burger! I went by this awesome spot, called Saw’s Soul Kitchen (Avondale). They have exquisite food and I guess you can tell by the name that it has “SOUL”. I’ve had the original Saw Burger, but I wanted to be adventurous so I indulged in the Carolina Burger (with slaw, chili, cheese, and other fixings) + sweet potato fries! Ooooh-weee and their sweet tea was sooooo good, which was also a treat because I always drink unsweetened. If you live in the Birmingham area or visit the city, it must be added to your to-do list! There’s also another location, Saw’s BBQ located in Homewood.
My absolute FAVORITE time of the year is Fall (or Autumn to some)! I get seriously excited about it. Everything is perfect! The change of the leaves, football, the beautiful colors, coffee, candy corn, did I say football?… pumpkin spice and everything nice–and we can’t forget, Fall fashion! Boots, scarves, coats, hats–and in my case, headwraps (something every naturalista and/or fashionista should have). It’s also time to pull out my Keurig and bring back some of my favorite Fall Recipes! As soon as it really cools, I’m going to make my Coconut Curry, Butternut Squash Soup found here. It’s absolutely heavenly!
As a runner, I look forward to Fall because within it lies the perfect running conditions. My prelude into Summer began with half-marathon, pre-training. Might I add, it was brutal and very challenging. A long run on a hot, humid summer day in the South is almost torture–but I got it done. Without a doubt I became a better runner and covered more distance that I ever have before. Also with Fall comes fresh, clear air–which makes it easier to complete the task ahead. Yesterday, I decided to get out and take advantage of the beautiful weather and get in a run. I normally don’t run on Sunday, but I couldn’t resist! I can’t wait to get more miles in on the pavement. With this new season comes new goals, achievements, races, challenges and victories!
Hope you all had a great weekend! Do you have anything fun planned for the season?
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