Training for the Run Disney Disneyland Half Marathon 10th Anniversary Weekend started at the beginning of May! I may be two months in, but I couldn’t help but share the deets and the theme for the weekend! I’ll go from Coast to Coast to run the Dumbo Double Dare Challenge presented by Cigna. I’m so excited because this is my first Run Disney challenge! I’ll run the Disneyland 10K and the Disneyland Half Marathon consecutively. I’ll earn a medal for each race completed, the Dumbo Double Dare Challenge medal, and I’ll earn my Coast to Coast race challenge medal for running the Walt Disney World Marathon and DDD Challenge all in the same year! That’s four beautiful medals y’all! Run all the races…earn ALL THE BLING! Medals haven’t been revealed yet, but I know Disney will not disappoint! I will share them once they are revealed!
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This is the training schedule adding cross training days. Now that MCM training is underway, my schedule will change to accommodate the mileage for marathon training.
[Tweet “#DumboDoubleDare Training is in progress, here’s the plan: #rundisney #sweatpink #fitfluential “]
In the meantime, I’ll be counting down the days until I see my Sissy and nephews—and I’ll be deciding which characters I’m going to dress up as for the Disneyland Half Marathon weekend. Yes, you MUST dress the part when you run Disney!
What races are you planning to run this fall?
How cool! #willrunforbling
I have been quite curious about the disney runs.
This fall I am running RnR Brooklyn half and Rehobeth half , Ragnar DC and Baltimore Marathon Relay. Training will start soon. ;)
Can’t wait to here about you costume ;)
You have some great ones planned for the fall! I really wanted to run RnR Brooklyn Half. I also hope to do a Ragnar race one day soon too! I love Disney races. I’ve done the Princess Half and WDW Marathon! You should put it on your list to do at least once! Make a family trip out of it! :)
Sounds like fun!!!
How fun! I’m running a bunch of races this fall: two marathons, two half marathons and ten miler and a couple 10ks. Can’t wait!
I’m running 2 marathons, 1 half and a bunch of other races this fall! 2016 will be my C2C medal year as I’m running in WDW and am planning on Avengers in November 2016.
Sounds like you have a fun, season ahead! Yay for C2C!
How exciting! Can’t wait to see all the bling you rack up!
I haven’t done any Disney races yet. Their bling never disappoints thats for sure. I’m sure I’ll make it to one eventually. They are just so expensive.
I’ve always wanted to do Dinsey races! They seem so magical!! Can’t wait to see your race bling!
Can’t wait to see what costumes you plan to run in during the races!
So fun! I have yet to run a Disney race, but I really want to some time soon!!
It’s so exciting to start a new training cycle! A disney race is on my to run list and it would be awesome to make it a double dare challenge.
I am SO jealous you’re doing this race! I want to so bad but I’m pregnant and haven;t trained enough. Can’t wait to follow along on your journey!
What a great event, I am hoping once I get down to Florida I will def be participating in more Disney runs! Looks like a solid training plan too!
You will enjoy it! Thank you, Toni!
I really want to run a disney race with my mom eventually. Maybe one of their halfs. Good luck with your training!
You and your mom would love it! There are a lot of Mom-daughters that do it together! Thank you!