I STILL cannot believe that I completed my FIRST Half-marathon! I participated in the Mercedes-Benz Marathon on February 17th and it was truly and incredible experience! Five years ago today, wait…who am I fooling, a year ago today you couldn’t pay me to believe that I’d be running my first half-marathon. I can honestly say I got the running bug after I participated in the Black Girls RUN! DTEH 10K in Atlanta last September. I knew after then, I wanted to take it to the next level and make running a part of my life! AND…I did! Mercedes Marathon is truly awesome and I’m so excited I was able to be a part of it! The camaraderie amongst the running community is amazing and there’s no feeling in the world like it. Not to mention the bling is pretty AWESOME!!!
Here are some Race Day pics!
I still remember this moment! Omg…ILikeTaNottaMadeIt! Around this time I was pushing through a lot of pain!
Then…I saw this sign and I knew God was with me. You ever been working hard at something so long that you had to call on the Lawd!? Yeah, that was me!
Some of my BGR! Birmingham ladies after the race!
My Sorority Sister, Rayna, and I after the race! She’s a pro at this thing! She’s a multi-Half AND Marathon finisher…yes 26.2 miles! She totally rocks!
Friends from college/BGR! Members Donyetta and Kierstin! They ROCKED it out in the Marathon Relay!
Post-Partayyy!!! Thank you Jim-N-Nicks and the “Kegs”!
A few members of BGR! Birmingham at the post-party
I saw quite a few ladies from BGR! Chicago at the Expo! They came down to participate in the race. Yes, BGR represented well!
Congratulations to all of the Finishers and everyone who participated in the Mercedes Marathon Weekend! And a big Thank You to all of my supporters, especially my race day Cheerleader, my Hubby! He made sure he captured some great moments. I saw him at each mile marker up to mile 4 snapping pics! Hopefully next year, he will be running with me! *crossing fingers*
CONGRATS!! I’m super proud of you–great job :)
Love the pics– hubby did a great job of capturing shots. That bling is too cute!
I’m considering a half marathon for next year. I think I’m going to stick with 5Ks this year and maybe step it up to a 10k before the year is out.
Again, congrats–you’re very inspiring!!
Thank you so much Mandi!!! 5K’s are great preparation. You’ll be doing your first 10K before you know it! I did my first 10K last Sept and I couldn’t believe it after I completed it. And then it’ll be a half-marathon! Then you’ll have that *shock face* saying to yourself, “I can’t believe I just…” I want to try to do at least one half-marathon per year. The rest can be 5, 10, 15K’s! You got this! It’s truly a blessing and so rewarding! I wish you all the best on your journey! And thank you again!!! =)