I’m just now sitting down to take a breather from running around. Got all my shopping done Thank God, Publix stayed open long enough for me to pick up my “oops I forgot” item (celery) for my dressing, UPS just delivered my package as promised–now I’m listening to R&B Christmas Classics and sippin’ on Egg Nog.
I’ve really enjoyed this holiday season and I’m excited about what is to come! I’m so glad my Sister came home, even for a short while. I even visited some cool places and attended some really great events.
My friend Lisa and I visited Whoville!
She really loved these fun trees so we had to have our picture taken by them.
Received the sweetest gifts from some of the greatest coworkers! These are just a few.
Attended “A Highlands Christmas” for the very first time! It was amazing!!! The candlelight service was my absolute favorite part!

It’s amazing what light to a dark world can do!
…now it’s time to get started cooking! Merry Christmas Eve everyone!!!
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