Can you believe Spring is almost here!? I’m so excited for warmer weather like you wouldn’t believe! With a new season comes new beginnings. I will be participating in a March “Run Every Day” Challenge! I found this challenge via I <3 to Run and here’s what you do:
Who: You
What: Run at least ONE mile each day
When: Everyday in March
Where: Anywhere
Why: To challenge yourself to get out there and run.Post pictures of beautiful places where you’re running for this challenge. Your picture could make the next motivational wall poster on “I ♥ to run”!
See…that’s it! Just that simple. I mean seriously…if you don’t want to run no one is going to give you demerits. To me, the idea is to get out and be active. If you don’t like running, go for a walk. Experts say, walking before or after meals promotes healthy metabolic activity. If you eat a big meal, I recommend waiting 45 minutes to an hour — this will help get your metabolism going to burn off those calories. Don’t feel pressured. If you want to walk 5 minutes or 30 minutes it’s all up to you. Either way you’re improving your overall health!
Photo: I <3 to Run
I love this challenge! Cannot wait for the weather to start cooperating. Check out my brand-new runners/health blog: more posts soon to come!