Start off the month fresh with the Jump Rope June Challenge! A great way to hit the reset button and finish strong.
Have you ever had one of those days, weekends, or even a month where you just needed to hit the reset button? Well, I did! I’m happy that it’s the start of a new month, so I can start fresh. I told the HB that I was going to pull out my jump rope to use on my cross-training days during marathon training as well as incorporate it into my workout routine. Jump rope exercises are great for the heart and heart health! I won the Jump Rope for Heart contest in 5th grade at my old stomping ground, Oak Mountain! I was the last kid standing (well…roping) taking home the award for the last jump roper standing.

…and BAM! Just like that, I came across a jump rope challenge. I loved the challenge so much last year, I decided to create one just for beginners. Because, chileee! Jump roping is not for the faint. Twenty+ years later, I’m dusting off my skills and joining the Jump Rope into June Challenge!
The hashtag for the challenge is #jijc!
It’s never too late to start! So “jump” right on in! You follow the prescribed day and share it on Instagram (or social media). I’m determined to catch up and even bust out some fancy Jump Rope moves like my friend, Rashida (IG:@msladyrozz)!
You can find the more ADVANCED challenge here:

“Surround yourself with fitness-minded people. Positivity can be contagious.”
Have a great week! Now…let’s get it!
Girl! Why did I start. Bopping in and out like I was doing double dutch while I was reading your post! Lol!!
I will have to look into that jump rope challenge-that might be something my husband and I can do together.
Jump on girly! Have a good week!
OMG I am the worst at jump rope. Used to be great at it when I was a kid but no longer. I think my boobs get in the way!!
I love jumping rope! Such a great cardio workout!
I used to jump rope as part of my workout. It’s deceivingly hard! Good for you
Yes, it is. Thank you!
Good luck with the challenge! Jump roping intimidates me!
How fun! I have two jump ropes and never think to dig them out.
I used to jump rope as my warmup but somewhere along the way I’ve gotten away from it. It really is great exercise.
Awesome! What a great workout! Be sure to stretch those feet/calves. :-D
Oh, how fun! It’s been quite a while since I’ve jumped rope, but how hard can it be to get back in the groove?
How fun! I haven’t jump roped in years!! Such a great workout!
Yes, it is!!!
Love this! something you can do without expensive equipment!
Jump roping is such a good workout! What a super fun challenge!
Jump rope is a killer cardio workout! Man some of these days sound intense! Love this idea!
Jumping rope is hard work! I need to add this in to my regimen.
Yes, it is! Lol I had to stop a few times to complete my 325, but I got it done!
What a fun idea for a challenge. A great way to move everyday!
I tried incorporating jumping rope into my regular workout routine a few months ago. It was challenging, I felt strong and actually enjoyed it. Sadly every week I found excuses to not Jump Rope and now my rope is collecting dust. You have inspired me to get outside and start jumping again. I don’t think I will join the challenge but I’m excited to know how it goes for you.
This is great! I love it! Thank you!
I hope there will be a July challenge!
Hi! Started this June challenge a little early bc I was feelin pumped. Lol. Just a question … do the “reps” have to be consecutive, like if I get tangled up should I start from 1 again? Lol. Or just keep it moving and co tribute from where I left off?
Thank you for the motivation and ideas!
That’s quite alright! It’s your workout so do whatever is best for you. As for me, I will gather myself and start back where I left off (i.e., the next rep) lol! You got this!!!
I have lost 4kg in a month because of skipping, I just love skipping rope. 100 per day that’s all.
Im on day 8 and am enjoying this,
I’m on day 12 and enjoying this so much. It’s tough, but I’m getting it done. Thank you for this.
Hey! I’m coming to your post a little later than everyone else, but right on time for me! I’m so excited about your jump rope challenges. I’m starting with the beginner challenge and I might repeat it if I need to before moving up to the advanced. I’ve seen loads of challenges, but your beginner challenge is such a great fit for me. Thank you so much for sharing this when you did and for making sure it’s still available today. ❤️