I have been preparing for my second (really third) half marathon since the summer. Okay, let me explain. I added the Magic City Half Marathon, part of the Ruben Studdard celebration weekend, to my schedule to give myself a challenge. And, who doesn’t love bling? My coach-runner-Kenyan friend (and yes, we joke about this), who is an incredible runner might I add, encouraged me to “up” my mileage and get out of my comfort zone. I’m also surrounded by my awesome, BGR “Sole Sisters” who are the best motivators ever! It’s nice to have people that support and believe in you and your potential. My training put me very close to where I needed to be to run a half, so just like that–I signed up! Besides, it’s right before Thanksgiving which is a great way to prepare for chicken/turkey & dressing (
not stuffing), macaroni and cheese, sweet potato pie, and all the other yumtastic goodness!
Since my Run Disney Princess Half Marathon training is provided by Olympian a.k.a. “America’s Coach”, Jeff Galloway, I decided to implement his plan into my summer training. After few crazy on/off weeks, I was able to pick back up where I left off. His training plan is designed to keep runners healthy and injury free. It even includes cross training (if you wish and I encourage) and an easy walk on the Friday before your long run. For long runs, the Run-Walk-Run method works great for me because my body is not as tired and I recover much faster than I ever did before. I also love this plan because it makes the task ahead seem more achievable. You ignore that voice inside your head that tells you–you can’t, because your heart says otherwise. You feel like you can conquer the world! Okay…maybe that’s a stretch after a 13 miler. I just want a shower, some ice (scared of ice baths…I’m just not there yet), compression socks, iPad, couch, and my Snuggie! I do, however, LOVE that feeling of accomplishment once I’m done. I look forward to seeing my progression over the next few months.
Here’s a little bit about The Galloway Method.
Short walk breaks, when taken early and regularly, will restore resiliency to the main running muscles and extend their capacity at the end of the run, plus ease fatigue, speed up recovery and more!
- Restore resiliency to the main running muscles before they fatigue.
- Extend the capacity of the running muscles at the end of the run because you are shifting the workload between the walking and the running muscles.
- Virtually erase fatigue with each early walk break by keeping your pace and effort level conservative in the early stages.
- Allow those with some types of previous injuries to train for marathons without further injury.
- Allow runners to improve 10 to 40 minutes in their marathon compared with running continuously.
- Speed up recovery from each long run.
I love running because it truly challenges me for the better. I’m able to push beyond my limits, set new goals, bask in accomplishments that prepare me for the next level. The key is to remain CONSISTENT, no matter where you are on the journey. It’s your journey…your pace, your race.
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