TODAY marks the very first day of me going INSANE!!! Yes…insane! I will be joining Sean T’s team and participating in a crazy, out of this world workout of ALL workouts…INSANITY! I will admit–I am very nervous! My Sister and Hubs have also decided to join me on this quest. We have been super excited yet anxiously awaiting for this day! I’m happy we are participating as a team and joining this INSANE ride! I exercise at least 4 days a week, and I’ve participated in sports, danced, and cheered over half my life…but I don’t think all the training in the world will compare to this!
I KNOW it will be challenging–I knew it the moment I saw that true athletes were strugglin’! lol I will have my days that I want to give up, but I know that hard work pays off. What’s most important is my health, eating better, and living a healthier life daily. No, I’m not perfect and I didn’t say I was going to become a vegan tomorrow (nothing wrong with that either), but I do desire to make smarter choices and continue to find ways to incorporate those things into my lifestyle.
There’s NO turning back now!
you go girl!
Thank you girl!!! I need a whole squad of cheerleaders! lol
Sooooo.. What’s the update on that INSANITY? I’m considering doing either it or T25. But honey chile.. I’s skurred! LOL!
Well let’s just say…I completed the full 63 days! That reminds me, I need to get my t-shirt! But it is definitely NOTHING like it! I had to call on Jesus! However, I’ve been looking at that this T25 and I think it would be worth the try! Let me know how you like it if you do! Btw…where you been!?!? I miss seeing your face on my TL!