Happy December!!!
Well…let me tell you first. I went to try the McDonald’s McRib sammich today and it was GONE!!!!!!!!!! I was kinda sad because I finally hyped myself up to try it for the first time and they stopped selling them yesterday *sad face*. I know some of y’all are saying “sad face for what?” I kept hearing mixed reviews about it. Some people absolutely love them, while others talk about all of the random things it’s made out of! O_o lol I like to try things for myself, because you never know. Don’t be shame to say you like the McRib! But unfortunately for me, I was unable to try it. So…next year I will make sure I jump on it as soon as November hits! Along with the Sweet Potato pie they carried that I obviously missed. Who knew!?
Now…let’s discuss something else new I discovered! Well actually I first heard about McDonald’s “Holiday Pie” from two of my girlfriends, well actually three because one of them was behind the scenes producing a HILARIOUS video (which actually needs to become the new Jingle)! It was the funniest video EVER! I was like WTH is a “holiday pie”!? lol Well anyway…after being so disappointed about not being able to try the McRib sammich, I asked if they had this holiday pie. And they did! Much to my surprise it looked exactly the way I thought! It was all fun and festive, sprinkled with holiday colors!
I had to take a close up pic before I tried it!
It tastes like a sugar cookie with an egg custard filling. It’s definitely worth trying while they are available for the holiday season. You get 2 for $1.00 so at least try it and share one with a friend! Let me know what you think!
Enjoy and Happy Holidays!
I absolutely loveeeee the McDonald’s Holiday pie. I plan to try it with ice cream next. As for the McRib, well many many many (lol) years ago I worked at McDonald’s and have yet to try it so don’t feel bad. Maybe I will try it with you next year.
Hahaha!!! I never thought about ice cream! You are so creative! lol We’re going to make SURE we try them together next year! =)
LOL! Ok, so after Krystel & Tiffany posted their video I said I HAVE to try this pie (which I haven’t had time yet to do) BUT I know we have a similar LOVE for food (yes, I’m a Foodie too hon’ay!) so I will be heading to McD’s in a few to try this Holiday pie & will post my reviews, lol!