Weight loss is not just about a number on the scale. It’s about making healthier choices every single day. Beyond the scale.
This post is sponsored by Nokia but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.
I have to remind myself that when it comes to my health, I’m more than just a number—AND weight loss is not just about a number on the scale. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in seeing the number on the scale go down (guilty) that we forget to celebrate even the smallest milestones. Besides weighing in, I like to take my measurements as well as allow my clothes to show my progress.
Although we should not allow the scale to determine our success, there are benefits to using a scale. Especially a smart one! It’s called ACCOUNTABILITY. The Nokia Body+ smart scale is not your average scale. It has amazing features and it will coach and reward you while recording your data (over WiFi). Other features include: nutrition tracking, calorie budgeting, goal setting, and giving you a run-down of your full body composition. Fat mass, muscle mass, body water, and bone mass (BMI) are things we often forget about.
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The Nokia Body+ smart scale will show you how you can target your body to lose fat or strengthen it. It will give you a full picture of your body’s bone mass, and a percentage of fat mass to help you understand where you stand overall. It will also help you stay on target with hydration as well as tell you when there is retention. I could always use a little help here. In addition, when you use the smart scale, it’s pretty accurate to .2 pounds.
I love that it works with the FREE Health Mate app found in the app store. It allows me to learn more about my body, and I can use the health programs: Sleep Smarter, Pregnancy Tracker, Better Body, and Leaderboard. There is even a special mode for babies and soon-to-be Mamas! It will show you a complete history of your health data, and you can track up to 8 people. You can even track your food by joining the “Track Team” with Nokia and My Fitness Pal! And let me not forget, the battery will last up to 18 months (no excuses, lol).
Thanks to the Health Mate app, you can view your stats at your convenience! I love that you can customize what you see in the app, too. So instead of me having to stare at my weight, I can use the other stats!
I love how stylish it is and fits perfectly with my decor. But you guyyys! It tracks the weather! How cool is that? And by the way, I’m a creature of habit when it comes to weigh-ins. I wear the same thing every single time—so don’t judge me if you see me out. You’ll know it’s weigh-in day.
I can’t believe the company that brought me my first mobile phone has come out with one of the most brilliant products out there! Learn more about Nokia’s health products, as well as the Nokia Body+ smart scale here. You will want to try one out for yourself!
*post contains affiliate links
I do love that it also includes the weather!! Such useful information!
I just ordered one!!
Yay! I hope you enjoy it!!!