Some days I am inspired. Some days I am not. Some days I am full of joy. Some days I just want to cry. Some days I can’t even put into words my emotions of the reality that we are living in. It’s A LOT. At times. I feel—and I’m okay with that. These are unique times we are living in. There are so many things that I miss like: a fun date night out with Mexican food at our favorite spot, Run Disney races, meeting up with my small group girls (in person) to discuss the Word and catching up on real life, a simple trip to the grocery store without reservation to pick up an item that I forgot on the last trip, seeing my family, hanging out shooting the breeze until the wee hours of the morning—and the list could go on.
I never imagined this is what 2020 would look or feel like. But you know what? I’ll gladly push my desires to the side, especially knowing the world gets dimmer each day as a life is lost due to that monster. I will proudly wear my mask (I’ve never had an issue with this, it’s like wearing a bra…just sayin’…), and I’ll do whatever else it takes to protect those around me. Thank you, Healthcare Heroes, postal workers, package delivery drivers, grocery store, and essential workers for all that you do!
Through it all—I still have hope. I still believe that greater is coming. I still believe in miracles, and that the old is gone and the new normal will be better than we could have ever imagined. I still believe in finding my magic, and I hope you will do the same. I will continue exploring, trying out new things (y’all…I’m an Iced Latte blonde right now), and continue doing things like my own nails and discovering new recipes. So I look at pictures from the start of the new year from my first Disney race weekend back after my world was rocked to the core (after my beautiful Mother transitioned this earth), and I remember the things that brought me joy.
Sometimes you just need something to look forward to. Moments like these will be under a new format, but they’ll be back.
Stay safe, friends! -xx
What a lovely post – glad I found you!
I’m glad you are here! Thank you!!!