There’s a lot going on this month and I’m pretty excited about it! Fall tingz, holidays, decorating and so much more. But wait…did you know that it is National Fig Week? Outside of Fig Newtons (renamed to Newtons), I haven’t eaten figs on many occasions (not sure if Newtons even count); BUT…I did have the opportunity to try a Candy-Stripe (or Tiger Stripe) Fig. Sounds pretty cool, right? Did you know that these figs are only available approximately 3 weeks out of the year?!?! They look too pretty to eat, but they do taste like candy! So good. If you get an opportunity to try one, do it!
Figs have amazing benefits for hair, skin, and health. They have a variety of vitamins and minerals too. I may have to consider a recipe around figs, just to expand my palate. You can learn more here.
- National Georgia Pecan Month
- National Peanut Butter Lover’s Month
- National
Stuffing[Dressing] Month - November 6: National Nachos Day
November 12: National Pizza With Everything Day (except anchovies) ← Hilarious!
Last year I participated and completed all 30 days of #BlogLikeCrazy with See Jane Write. I still can’t believe that I wrote and published 30 posts in 30 consecutive days. This year, I’ll be cheering everyone on. You can read how it went here, and also check out all 30 posts here.

Since we are in a season of gratitude and the holidays are approaching, I will be hosting a giveaway so be on the look out for that!
I hope you have an incredible month, and stay tuned for some new recipes coming to an inbox near you!
Happy November!
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