There will always be signs from the universe to let you know that you are exactly where you need to be. Transparent moment: I don’t like to talk about it on here, but you never how many people you can help by sharing your story. One month after my BIG NEWS was announced, my beautiful Mother transitioned to heaven. Almost to the exact date. All of this happened so fast (and unexpectedly), and on Mother’s Day out of all days. My whole life was turned upside down. I was devastated. How could I celebrate this amazing accomplishment when I was preparing to bury the woman who birthed me, who loved me, and was one of my biggest cheerleaders and truly one of my best friends. I tried so hard, but I just didn’t have it in me. I was lifeless. Grief set in like nobody’s business. People saw me and thought I was OK, but I was that “strong friend” that NEEDED to be checked on. I had so much going on behind the scenes, but by the GRACE of God I survived.
It’s all about embracing where I am on the journey, even if it’s not perfect, and loving myself on the way to where I want to be. -Artney (Weight Watchers Magazine, May/June Issue 2016, page 63)
Wow! Those were my words. Reading them again did something to me. I shared those exact words with the world in the May/June 2016 Issue of Weight Watchers Magazine, part of the I Love What My Body Can Do series. That was my heart-check. Why can’t those same words still apply today?
So…here we go again. How did I get here? I never expected to be where I am today OR returning to this place. But believe me…grief weight is real. Grief can manifest in so many ways. I stopped doing the things I loved cold turkey, and I was in a rut. But I have returned to a place where structure, community, sisterhood, and so much more resides. A place that just works for me. My beloved, Weight Watchers. But I can’t lie…I MISSED it! I would get cute, little postcards in the mail saying “we miss you (too)!” and my body and mind just wouldn’t line up with what was in my heart. It’s all about your mindset.
I reflected back to 2008 when I started my WW journey. I’m almost 10 years older now, and pounds just don’t drop off like they used to either. But I get it. We’re living beyond the scale now. But still. Here I am almost two years into this “new normal”, and I it’s time to get back to taking care of me. I will no longer allow grief to control my life.
[Tweet “”You are no good to anyone else if you can’t be good to yourself.” #aMemoir “]
I kept hearing freestyle, freestyle, freestyle…and I was like “What is WW up to now?” Then one of my childhood friends asked me what I thought about the new program. Once again – The Universe. Thennn…I saw a photo of DJ Khaled on the Weight Watchers Instagram page…then I read the MAJOR KEY ALERT that he is the newest ambassador to join the WW Family! Can you say stoked?! Total understatement. I wanted IN! Not because of him (okay…may a wee bit part of the reason), but once again it was the universe showing me those signs again. I CAN do this!
I’m ready to do this! It’s TIME. This is not about being “skinny” or being a certain size…it’s about self-love, self-care, and living my BEST life! I do plan to share my journey, so feel free to follow along. I am pretty excited about the new Freestyle Program, too. I’m even more excited to share new food, recipes, etc., because that’s one thing about me that will never change — my love for food! And thank God for Weight Watchers because you can still enjoy the foods you love! I even started a Facebook Group back in 2016, if you want to join. I plan to crank things back up in the soon. It’s all about community. We’re better together.
If you are joining the WW Family…Welcome! Or if you’re an existing member or want to see what it’s all about, feel free to follow me on Instagram: @myprettybrown, Twitter (@myprettybrown), and My Pretty Brown Fit on Facebook! Oh, and I’m on Snapchat, too! Snap: myprettybrown08.
This year will truly be about celebrating victories (big and small) and most importantly, living our BEST lives!
Congrats on your journey sister! I wish you nothing but success. I want to send you a pack of my detox tea as well. I will DM you on IG.
Thank you so much, Kashia!!! I appreciate you! Sounds great!
I love this so much, Art! I lost my dad in 2016 and grief really took a toll… particularly when it came to my health. WW Freestyle has helped me be excited about cooking again for the first time since he passed! Thank you for sharing your story <3
Thank you SO MUCH for these kind words, Liz! I know all too well how challenging it can be when dealing with grief. I appreciate you and your support! I’m also here to support you as well. I’m also so excited to know that you are finding success on the program! Your excitement actually inspires me! -XX
I totally get you on the grief. Sometimes you think you’ve got it together but then it sweeps over you again. I’m so excited for you and your WW journey. DJKaled? Heck yeah! Great ambassador right there.
Thank you the kind words, Marcia. I really appreciate it! And yes, I was so stoked about him becoming one of their newest ambassadors!
Doing it for self-care and self-love are the BEST reasons! They will carry you to your goal.
You got this Artney! I truly believe WW is the only program that works.
So sorry for your loss. Grief can be such a difficult and PERSONAL thing. I’m glad to hear that you are making the choice to get back to what you love.
Best of luck and hope you enjoy your journey.
I love your mantras in that magazine spread, and definitely agreed with Coco! Self-care + self-love are the best reasons to be doing this! I will be cheering you on!!
Self-care and self-love – Yes! You’ve got this Artney. Looking forward to following your journey.
Aw, I’m sorry to hear about your mama. But I’m so glad you have a wonderful community to get back to for support and love. You’ve got this!
Congrats on finding your way back. You have done all this before, so you know you can do it again. So sorry to hear about your mother, somehow I missed that detail last year. Grief is so personal…there is no time table and no fast fix and getting through that journey. Best of luck!!
wow Artney! I totally get this. I really do. and while my weight gain was not grief gain (and that is also TOTALLY logical to me and I am so very sorry for your loss and this pain) my weight is still reflecting things that I haven’t been able to change, accept or let go of apparently. I decided, after many disappointments with new programs at WW that I was just DONE. That was 2.5 years ago now. All the efforts made with other food changes, etc., I still am not where I want to be. And it’s not 100% the number on the scale! But that number is reflecting something I want to break free from. I miss the meetings, but I literally destroyed 99% of all evidence that I was ever a member, let alone Lifetime. I called them a couple months ago and I can’t rejoin as lifetime if I can’t prove that I WAS lifetime *sigh*. Anyway. Long story short – the thought has been there again and not only have I seen a post from a good friend who has just re-joined today, but now I’ve read your post. Maybe the universe is trying to tell ME something?
Girl I so understand being that ‘strong’ friend. I’ve had my fair share of loss the past few years and it has def taken a toll.
Community is SO important. I have found my new tribe the past few months and they have been so wonderful!
I can’t wait to see how you learn, grow and share this new chapter!
You are absolutely right. During my time away that is one thing that I missed and it has made all the difference since being back! Thank you so much Esther!
So sorry to hear about your mom. Glad you have found ways to self care and the WW thing sounds awesome for you.
Thank you. I really appreciate it.
That’s such a big loss, it seems very normal for you to be sidetracked by grief for a long time. I hope WW Freestyle will be motivational and fun for you as the next step on your journey.
I’m really excited about the new program. Things are really looking up! Thank you, Mary! <3
You have the right attitude and approach to your journey going forward. Keep the focus on taking care of yourself and feeling good about yourself and the rest will all fall into place.
Thank you so much, Kathryn!