I found out about runDisney from a #hashtag on Twitter! Fast-forward a year later…
Last weekend I participated in my first runDisney event EVER! I still can’t believe that I was actually there! I’m also glad that the Disney Princess Half Marathon was my induction into the runDisney Enthusiast club–because once you’re a Princess…you will be spoiled for life! It was an incredible first experience. Like they say, first impressions are lasting ones!
Had no idea what I was getting myself into, but I was ready for the magical ride! My neck boppy matches my pink, Minnie Mouse ears. *insert scream here* Wheels up!
We arrived at our resort to pick up our Magic Bands. But wait…can we talk about how cool these Magic Bands are? The last time I went to Disney World was circa 1994 for our UCA National Cheerleading Championship and Magic Bands did not exist. They help you travel lighter on your vacation and this radtastic little band is customizable and so convenient.
Fit For A Princess Expo!
We have arrived!
We immediately jumped on the resort shuttle to head over to the Fit For A Princess Expo at the ESPN Wide World of Sports. My first order of business was to get on the list for the official runDisney New Balance shoes in hopes that I didn’t miss the cut off time. The Expo was held Thursday, Friday, and Saturday so arriving on Friday morning I knew the crowd was probably a little thicker.
The New Balance time slot list was closed. *insert super sad face*
Next on the list: pick up my packet and check out the vendors. It was truly a runners haven (and a zoo house)! Everything from sparkle skirts, runDisney keepsakes to running compression apparel, and of course Bondi Band was there!
I had to go visit The Girls at Sparkle Athletic! #TeamSparkle
How cute are these shirts? “Blood, Sweet, Tiara” from Sparkle Athletic.
After picking up my race packet I passed a wall that I thought was pretty neat! Every runners name was listed on it!
And the bling–Don’t worry…I’m coming for each and every one of you!
Look at that smile on my face! There was an angel on my side! I was able to get a pair of the official runDisney Minnie Mouse New Balance Shoes. I was so excited!!! These shoes are so hard to get, so I’m very thankful I was able to. My Hubby loved the Cinderella’s, but too bad they had a glass slipper on the back! *wannhhh* The Goofy and Sorcerer Mickey’s were super cute (unisex).
My new babies! I absolutely love them–and the polka dots sold it for me! And how cute are the little bows?
These are the Goofy New Balance shoes. Clearly, Minnie’s bows were such a hit that even the men had to have them!
Being silly with Goofy before I leave!
Fit For A Princess Expo Day 2!
We slept in just a little bit, but realized we hadn’t eaten breakfast and it was time for lunch. Don’t try this at home, especially before race day. We headed to Downtown Disney (Marketplace) to grab a bite to eat before heading to the Expo. First, we stopped by the Disney store to pick up some Magic Bandits!You better believe it! We’re ALL in!
We decided on Bodie’s All American. I had the Grilled Chicken Citrus Salad with a Pineapple Vinaigrette. It was pretty good. Hubby (HB) had a traditional cheeseburger–very good! After lunch, we headed over to the Expo, because I couldn’t wait to hear the speaker series–especially one of my favorites!
As soon as I walked in, literally it was 2:58 p.m. and he was standing there getting ready to head to the stage. Somebody pinch me! Lol I’m so happy that I had the opportunity to meet Jeff Galloway! Yes, THE Jeff Galloway, former Olympian and the Official runDisney Training Consultant–and if you’ve heard of Galloway Training, that’s him! With a few minutes to spare I asked would he take a picture and he smiled and said, “Sure!”He was one of the series speakers and he is also one of my RUNspirations! It was because of his training plan that I fell in love with running! I had the opportunity to talk to him one-on-one as he shared so many powerful words of encouragement. Truly a destiny moment that I’ll never forget! I guess you can tell by the big CHEESE on my face!
BGR Orlando meets BGR Birmingham!
Cinderella’s carriage drivers! They were very handsome. I think she should’ve ditched the glass slipper guy and went after one of them. Just sayin’!
How cute is this? Too bad there were only Mediums (= Smediums). Sorry HB!
Whew…this was two full days of Expo fun! After Day 1 at the Expo we had to go get ready for the Pasta in the Park Party which you can read about here. I was able to rest easy knowing that I didn’t have to get up at 6 a.m. to put my name on the list for my Minnie shoes. As for Day 2 after the Expo, I kept it low key as I prepared for the big race. Best decision. I really wanted to put everything all in one post, but there was too much to share! I’m a first timer so I get a pass! More to come in Part Two of the Princess Half Marathon Recap!
Keeping my eyes peeled for registration for next year. I am going to start back running on Monday.
Looks like you all had a ball. Now I am wanting to know what pineapple vinaigrette tastes like and get me a pair of those run Disney shoes!
I would say for the Princess it will be anywhere from May until July. Just keep looking out just in case they switch things up. I had an absolute blast! I’m already thinking about my next runDisney event! The shoes are a must, especially for your first time. The sooner you arrive the better, it gives you more chances to get on the list if you missed the first day. And girl, that pineapple vinaigrette was bomb!
Disney really knows how to put on races!
Kristin! Yes, they sure do! I can’t wait to go back!