For the past few years I’ve seen the 30 Days of Thankfulness challenge shared on social media. This year I decided I was going to participate for the entire month of November, not just a few days here and there like I normally do.
How It Works: Each day in November post about something or someone you are thankful for. For example: Facebook–post a status, Twitter–post a tweet, and Instagram–post a textgram. You can use the #30daysofthankfulness hashtag on all three media sites so you can view what others have posted as well. And don’t worry if you’re not social media savvy or if you just don’t want to go that route–you can share with someone close to you or write it down.
I’ll start it off…
Day 1: I am thankful for new beginnings!
See…it’s that easy!
Day 2: I am thankful for the ability to walk and run.
Today I participated in my first Vulcan Run 10K! I was so excited about running it since I signed up, but on last week, I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to participate. I had oral surgery this past Monday and I knew that me being out in the air would be a possible no-no. I almost gave up all hopes and dreams until next year until my doc gave me clearance, but told me to listen to my body. My HB asked, “Why don’t you just walk it?” I did a test run Thursday to see how I felt and I figured maybe I could do just that.

I was so excited when I got home from the Vulcan Run and found my Black Girls RUN! Sweat With Your Sole Virtual 5K/10K medal in the mail! Every girl loves bling! I feel like a winner! ;-)
Now, let’s keep the ball of thankfulness growing! Here is why I chose Day 2 for my #30daysofthankfulness:
I had oral surgery Monday and thought I wouldn’t be able to run this morning. It has been hit or miss with pain/discomfort. I started the 30 Days of Thankfulness and reminded myself that running AND walking is something we often take for granted. I saw a man around his 70’s/80’s out there pushing through to finish that 6.2. I’m like wow…he’s out here doing it, I can do it too! I completed my 10K and hit a PR goal–even with discomfort. I wasn’t feeling my best, but I gave it all I had today and finished! For every milestone great or small there are so many others who wish they could do the same. So I’m gonna add my 6.2 miles to the books, take these meds, relax, and thank God that I had the opportunity to do it all over again! #Isaiah4031
This is great! I’m participating in The Thankful Project via this year. I’m so glad I’m doing it!
Congrats, Artney!